Sunday, August 18, 2019

Day 4: there's an Australian on the Asia Pacific Regional Committee!

The top 5 moments of a very big day

1. The election of Bronwyn Hughes to the Regional Committee
We are very proud of Bronwyn Hughes who was elected for a three year term to the regional committee. The other members of the committee are from Hong Kong, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Nepal. It is the first time that Nepal has had a member on the AP Regional Committee. 

2. The passing of two motions prepared and proposed by the Young Women Ambassadors
The two days of governance learning for young women immediately before the conference paid off, with the two motions they proposed being passed by the conference.

3. The sharing of a wonderful variety of projects and plans at the Playground of Ideas
Everyone brought information about a project in their MO to share. We saw how Singapore are using dice to implement the new WAGGGS leadership mindsets in their organisation and learned about the WAGGGS Girl Research Project. 

4. World Centres t-shirt day!
Everyone was wearing t-shirts and badges from the World Centres - it was great to see the support, make new connections and swap stories of visits over the years.


5. A wonderful 10 course banquet to celebrate 50 years of the Asia Pacific Region
The day ended with everyone sharing a delicious meal, along with dancing, singing and learning about Taiwanese culture.

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